
We have a database of over 7.5 million records of Ukrainian companies and individual entrepreneurs and have been adding to it daily since 2014. Choose the plan that best suits your business and grow with us.

Open Market

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Full access to data for market analysis and partner search

Premium Max

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Open Market



3 days for free


undefined ₴ / Year
(including VAT)

Premium Max

undefined ₴ / Year
(including VAT)

Convenient search on multiple criteria

Companies and/or individual entrepreneurs
Type of economic activity
Registration data
Connection with the country
Revenue and company type
Other financial indicators
Participation in public procurement
Public expenditures
Import and export
Availability of contacts
Ties with russia and belarus
Sorting the list
Quick analytics
Detailed report
Download Excel report
Daily monitoring of new companies and individual entrepreneurs
Analysis and search in the UK market
Data on newly created business via API

Couldn't find what you're looking for?

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