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The most complete source
of open data on ukraine Ukrainian and great-britain British companies to make data-driven decisions

Expand your Purchase and sales department contact base
Research industry size and market share of companies
Find new customers, partners, suppliers and contractors
Track changes and trends in the market or a specific niche and predict business success
Segment and download data according to the required parameters
Due to the Monitoring function, be the first to know about establishing new companies and individual entrepreneurs
How to work with YС.Market
Customize filters
Choose the criteria for analyzing the companies. These can be the Classification of types of economic activity (KVED), FEA, company status, amount of revenue, region, number of employees, the volume of imports or exports, etc.
Analyze the data received
In the Analytics tab, you can see an analytical report in charts and quickly evaluate the selected market segment.
Generate a report
Generate a report and preview the table. The table content is compiled individually.
View the report
In the online report, you can view general information about the company, scoring indicators and the presence of sanctions, financial indicators, etc.
Download the file
Just one click and you're already working with the database and looking for new customers and partners.
Monitor new companies and individual entrepreneurs
Hundreds of new companies and individual entrepreneurs are registered daily in Ukraine. You can be the first to receive information about them by email.

Why dochoose us

For 8+ years

the YouControl team has been collecting and processing open data for the safety and success of your businessу

7.5 million

companies and individual entrepreneurs in Ukraine are listed in our database, which you can use


company search criteria, 8 sorting options, and that's just the beginning

6+ million

legal entities in United Kingdom for research

The best, fastest, most efficient, most humane support team

can be useful

We have collected the experience of users who use YC.Market in their daily work to analyze the market, find new customers, partners and suppliers and make strategic decisions based on the data

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Banking sector

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Production (or provision of services)

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Procurement: commercial and public

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Exporters and importers

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Territorial communities and authorities

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Consulting companies

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We have a database of over 7.5 million records of Ukrainian companies and individual entrepreneurs and have been adding to it daily since 2014. Choose the plan that best suits your business and grow with us.

Open Market

Discover the product, explore the features and upgrade to Premium for full functionality



Full access to data for market analysis and partner search

Premium + New Contractors API

You get all the benefits of the Premium plan

Who we are

We are the Ukrainian
IT company


Our mission is to promote the expansion
of international cooperation by creating
a transparent business environment.

Since 2014, we have been developing open data services. We have successful experience in creating AML and KYC systems, and help businesses avoid financial and reputational risks. We also actively cooperate with journalists and investigators.

We are trusted by

  • London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • National Bank of Ukraine

    National Bank of Ukraine

  • National Agency on Corruption Prevention

    National Agency on Corruption Prevention

  • Ministry of Digital Transformation

    Ministry of Digital Transformation

  • National Police of Ukraine

    National Police of Ukraine

  • State Tax Service of Ukraine

    State Tax Service of Ukraine

  • State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

    State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

  • Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

    Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

  • Security Service of Ukraine

    Security Service of Ukraine


Finding a reliable counterparty is always painstaking work

But open data allows you to do it many times faster. That's why we created YouControl Market. Just a few clicks and you have a list of companies and their customers in your hands. And additional data on counterparties (financial data, scoring and more) will help prioritize the work with this list.