Company Directory Donetska oblast

Shakhivska territorial community

161 active companies and individual entrepreneurs

Settlements within the community (22)

  • Boikivka vill.
  • Dorozhnie settl.
  • Hruzke vill.
  • Ivanivka vill.
  • Koptieve vill.
  • Kucheriv Yar vill.
  • Lidyne vill.
  • Maiak settl.
  • Marivka vill.
  • Nove Shakhove vill.
  • Novotoretske vill.
  • Novotroitske vill.
  • Nykanorivka vill.
  • Pankivka vill.
  • Petrivka vill.
  • Shakhove vill.
  • Suvorove vill.
  • Toretske vill.
  • Vesele vill.
  • Vilne vill.
  • Volodymyrivka vill.
  • Zolotyi Kolodiaz vill.
YC Markets
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Business of the Shakhivska territorial communityYC.Market

Top 5 sectors by reported activity in 2023

1. Nonmetallic mineral product
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    454.23 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
2. Agriculture
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    107.26 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
3. Water utilities
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    2.55 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
Level of financial sustainability:
High (A)
Satisfactory (C)
Unsatisfactory (D)

Top 5 companies in the community based on 2023 reporting 2023

YC.Market 1
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
    Dorozhnie settl.
  • Industry sector
    Nonmetallic mineral product
  • Total revenue 2023
    371.89 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 2
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
    Toretske vill.
  • Industry sector
  • Total revenue 2023
    102.74 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 3
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
    Shakhove vill.
  • Industry sector
    Nonmetallic mineral product
  • Total revenue 2023
    82.32 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 4
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
    Shakhove vill.
  • Industry sector
  • Total revenue 2023
    4.52 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 5
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
    Shakhove vill.
  • Industry sector
    Water utilities
  • Total revenue 2023
    2.55 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023

By industry sector

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Public funds expenditure by community managers

Analysis of public (budgetary) expenditures by community managers across various classifications, based on Unified Public Spending Portal data. More about the classifications
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
189 743
0300 Public order, security and judiciary
74 189
0320 Fire fighting and rescue
69 079
0380 Other activities in public order, security and judiciary
5 110
0100 General state functions
49 562
0110 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government, financial and foreign policy activities
32 449
0111 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government
32 449
0180 Intergovernmental transfers
17 113
0900 Education
29 226
0920 General secondary education
19 923
0921 General secondary education institutions
19 923
0910 Pre-school education
6 359
0990 Other institutions and activities in education
2 944
1000 Social protection and social security
12 672
1020 Social protection of pensioners
5 525
1090 Other activities in social protection
3 041
1040 Social protection of families, children and youth
1 515
1050 Social protection of the unemployed
1 514
1070 Social protection of other categories of the population
1 076
1010 Social protection in case of disability
0600 Housing and utilities sector
9 102
0620 Utilities services
7 359
0640 Other activities in housing and utilities sector
1 743
0700 Healthcare
8 629
0720 Polyclinics and outpatient clinics, ambulance and emergency care
8 629
0726 Primary healthcare centres
8 629
0800 Spiritual and physical growth
5 132
0820 Culture and art
5 132
0828 Club facilities
5 082
0829 Other activities and institutions in culture and art, creative unions
0400 Economic activity
0420 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
0421 Agriculture
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
189 744
2000 Current expenses
187 478
2200 Consumption of goods and services
77 690
2210 Items, materials, equipment and inventory
62 481
1 047.91%
2240 Payment for services (excluding utilities)
10 165
2270 Payment for utilities and energy carriers
4 737
2273 Payment for electricity
2 946
2275 Payment for other energy carriers and utilities
1 711
2272 Payment for water supply and sewerage
2271 Payment for heat supply
2230 Food products
2280 Research and development, separate measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs
2282 Individual measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs, not classified as development measures
2250 Business travel expenses
2100 Labour remuneration and charge on payroll
66 731
2110 Labour remuneration
54 592
2111 Salary
54 592
2120 Accruals for labour remuneration
12 139
2600 Current transfers
36 268
2610 Subsidies and current transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
19 175
2620 Current transfers to other levels of government
17 093
2700 Social security
6 744
2730 Other payments to the population
6 744
2800 Other current expenses
3000 Capital expenditures
2 019
3100 Acquisition of fixed assets
1 999
3110 Purchase of equipment and items of long-term use
1 999
3200 Capital transfers
3220 Capital transfers to other levels of government
Transactions without a specified KEKV code
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
189 742
8000 Other activities
74 189
8100 Protection of the population and territories from emergencies
69 079
8110 Measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies and the consequences of natural disasters
61 897
0118110 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
61 405
1 157.27%
0618110 Body on Education and Science
8130 Support of activities of local and voluntary fire protection
7 182
0118130 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
7 182
8200 Public order and security
5 110
8240 Measures and works on territorial defence
5 110
0118240 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
5 110
0100 State Administration
32 449
0150 Organisational, informational, analytical, logistical and technical support of the regional council, district council, city district council (if established), city, town and village councils
22 476
0110150 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
22 476
0160 Management and administration in the relevant field in cities (Kyiv), towns, villages, and territorial communities
9 973
5010160 Military administration of the settlement (settlements)
5 539
0610160 Body on Education and Science
2 961
3710160 Body on Finance
46 500%
0110160 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1000 Education
29 226
1020 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the local budget
10 443
1021 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the local budget
10 443
0611021 Body on Education and Science
10 443
1030 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the educational subvention
9 480
1031 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the educational subvention
9 480
0611031 Body on Education and Science
9 480
1010 Provision of preschool education
6 359
0611010 Body on Education and Science
6 359
1140 Other programmes, institutions and activities in the field of education
2 861
1141 Support of other institutions in the field of education
2 812
0611141 Body on Education and Science
2 812
1142 Other programmes and activities in the field of education
0611142 Body on Education and Science
1210 Provision of education at the expense of the balance of funds under the subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs at the end of the budget period
0611210 Body on Education and Science
9000 Intergovernmental transfers
17 113
9100 Subsidies from the local budget to other budgets
13 801
9150 Other subsidies from the local budget
13 801
3719150 Body on Finance
13 801
9700 Subventions from the local budget to other local budgets for the implementation of programmes and measures at the expense of local budgets
3 161
9770 Other subventions from the local budget
3 161
3719770 Body on Finance
3 161
9800 Subvention from the local budget to the state budget for the implementation of programmes of social and economic development of regions
3719800 Body on Finance
3000 Social protection and social security
12 671
3100 Provision of social and rehabilitation services to elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children with disabilities in social service institutions
5 525
3104 Provision of social services at the place of residence of citizens who are unable to provide self-care due to old age, illness, or disability
5 525
0113104 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
5 525
3240 Other institutions and measures
3 041
3242 Other measures of social protection and social security
3 041
0113242 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1 899
0613242 Body on Education and Science
1 129
56 350%
5013242 Military administration of the settlement (settlements)
3210 Organisation and implementation of public works
1 514
0113210 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1 514
3140 Health improvement and recreation of children (except for health improvement measures for children carried out at the expense of funds for the rehabilitation of citizens affected by the Chornobyl disaster)
1 427
0113140 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1 427
3230 Expenditures related to the provision of support to internally displaced and/or evacuated persons due to the imposition of martial law
1 075
0113230 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
0613230 Body on Education and Science
3130 Implementation of state policy in the youth sector
3133 Other youth policy measures and institutions
0613133 Body on Education and Science
3170 Ensuring the implementation of specific programmes for people with disabilities
3171 Compensatory payments to persons with disabilities for petrol, repairs, maintenance of cars, motorised wheelchairs and transport services
0113171 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6000 Housing and communal services
9 102
6030 Organisation of improvement of settlements
6 483
0116030 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6 483
6070 Regulation of prices/tariffs for housing and communal services
1 728
6071 Compensation for the difference between the price (tariff) for heat energy, including its production, transportation and supply, and utilities, which was approved or agreed upon by a decision of a local executive body and local self-government body, and the amount of economically justified costs for their production (provision)
1 728
0116071 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1 728
6020 Ensuring the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organisations that produce, perform and/or provide housing and communal services
0116020 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6010 Maintenance and efficient operation of housing and communal facilities
6013 Ensuring the operation of water supply and sewerage facilities
0116013 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6090 Other measures in housing and communal services
0116090 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
2000 Healthcare
8 629
2110 Primary medical care for the population
8 629
2111 Primary medical care for the population provided by primary healthcare centres
8 629
0112111 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
8 629
4000 Culture and Arts
5 132
4060 Support of palaces and houses of culture, clubs, recreation centres and other club establishments
5 082
0614060 Body on Education and Science
5 082
4080 Other institutions and measures in culture and arts
4082 Other measures in culture and arts
0614082 Body on Education and Science
7000 Economic activity
7100 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
7130 Implementation of land management activities
0117130 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
209 673
0100 General state functions
95 838
0180 Intergovernmental transfers
50 455
0110 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government, financial and foreign policy activities
32 896
0111 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government
32 896
0130 Other general functions of state administration
12 487
0133 Other activities in state administration
12 400
0131 Civil Service Management
0900 Education
33 956
0920 General secondary education
23 752
0921 General secondary education institutions
23 752
0910 Pre-school education
7 191
0990 Other institutions and activities in education
3 013
0300 Public order, security and judiciary
25 204
0320 Fire fighting and rescue
20 022
0380 Other activities in public order, security and judiciary
5 182
0600 Housing and utilities sector
20 749
0620 Utilities services
18 077
0640 Other activities in housing and utilities sector
2 672
0700 Healthcare
10 132
0720 Polyclinics and outpatient clinics, ambulance and emergency care
10 132
0726 Primary healthcare centres
10 132
1000 Social protection and social security
9 937
1020 Social protection of pensioners
6 848
1090 Other activities in social protection
1 869
1070 Social protection of other categories of the population
1040 Social protection of families, children and youth
1050 Social protection of the unemployed
1010 Social protection in case of disability
0400 Economic activity
8 371
0490 Other economic activities
6 800
0420 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
1 571
0421 Agriculture
1 571
0800 Spiritual and physical growth
5 088
0820 Culture and art
5 084
0828 Club facilities
4 923
0829 Other activities and institutions in culture and art, creative unions
0810 Physical culture and sports
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
209 671
2000 Current expenses
176 131
2100 Labour remuneration and charge on payroll
68 434
2110 Labour remuneration
56 056
2111 Salary
56 056
2120 Accruals for labour remuneration
12 378
2600 Current transfers
68 075
2620 Current transfers to other levels of government
50 397
2610 Subsidies and current transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
17 678
2200 Consumption of goods and services
33 302
2240 Payment for services (excluding utilities)
21 355
2270 Payment for utilities and energy carriers
6 183
2273 Payment for electricity
3 146
2275 Payment for other energy carriers and utilities
2 962
2272 Payment for water supply and sewerage
2210 Items, materials, equipment and inventory
5 443
2230 Food products
2280 Research and development, separate measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs
2282 Individual measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs, not classified as development measures
2250 Business travel expenses
2700 Social security
6 274
2730 Other payments to the population
6 274
2800 Other current expenses
3000 Capital expenditures
33 142
3100 Acquisition of fixed assets
25 471
3110 Purchase of equipment and items of long-term use
13 201
3120 Capital construction (purchase)
12 270
3122 Capital construction (purchase) of other objects
12 270
3200 Capital transfers
7 671
3210 Capital transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
7 613
3220 Capital transfers to other levels of government
Transactions without a specified KEKV code
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
209 671
9000 Intergovernmental transfers
50 455
9100 Subsidies from the local budget to other budgets
29 832
9150 Other subsidies from the local budget
29 832
3719150 Body on Finance
29 832
9700 Subventions from the local budget to other local budgets for the implementation of programmes and measures at the expense of local budgets
13 936
9770 Other subventions from the local budget
13 936
3719770 Body on Finance
13 936
9800 Subvention from the local budget to the state budget for the implementation of programmes of social and economic development of regions
6 687
3719800 Body on Finance
6 687
8000 Other activities
37 605
8100 Protection of the population and territories from emergencies
20 023
8110 Measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies and the consequences of natural disasters
12 648
0618110 Body on Education and Science
7 764
0118110 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
4 884
8130 Support of activities of local and voluntary fire protection
7 375
0118130 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
7 375
8700 Reserve fund
12 400
8770 Other unforeseen measures at the expense of the local budget reserve fund
12 400
8775 Other measures at the expense of the local budget reserve fund
12 400
8200 Public order and security
5 182
8240 Measures and works on territorial defence
5 182
0118240 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
5 182
1000 Education
33 956
1020 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the local budget
14 313
1021 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the local budget
14 313
0611021 Body on Education and Science
14 313
1030 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the educational subvention
9 439
1031 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the educational subvention
9 439
0611031 Body on Education and Science
9 439
1010 Provision of preschool education
7 191
0611010 Body on Education and Science
7 191
1140 Other programmes, institutions and activities in the field of education
2 998
1141 Support of other institutions in the field of education
2 951
0611141 Body on Education and Science
2 951
1142 Other programmes and activities in the field of education
0611142 Body on Education and Science
1200 Provision of education at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs
0611200 Body on Education and Science
0100 State Administration
32 980
0150 Organisational, informational, analytical, logistical and technical support of the regional council, district council, city district council (if established), city, town and village councils
24 277
0110150 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
24 277
0160 Management and administration in the relevant field in cities (Kyiv), towns, villages, and territorial communities
8 617
5010160 Military administration of the settlement (settlements)
5 568
0610160 Body on Education and Science
2 477
0110160 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
3710160 Body on Finance
0170 Professional development of local council members and local government officials
0110170 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
5010170 Military administration of the settlement (settlements)
6000 Housing and communal services
20 749
6030 Organisation of improvement of settlements
17 054
0116030 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
17 054
6070 Regulation of prices/tariffs for housing and communal services
2 655
6071 Compensation for the difference between the price (tariff) for heat energy, including its production, transportation and supply, and utilities, which was approved or agreed upon by a decision of a local executive body and local self-government body, and the amount of economically justified costs for their production (provision)
2 655
0116071 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
2 655
6020 Ensuring the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organisations that produce, perform and/or provide housing and communal services
0116020 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6010 Maintenance and efficient operation of housing and communal facilities
6013 Ensuring the operation of water supply and sewerage facilities
0116013 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6090 Other measures in housing and communal services
0116090 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
2000 Healthcare
10 132
2110 Primary medical care for the population
10 132
2111 Primary medical care for the population provided by primary healthcare centres
10 132
0112111 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
10 132
3000 Social protection and social security
9 937
3100 Provision of social and rehabilitation services to elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children with disabilities in social service institutions
6 848
3104 Provision of social services at the place of residence of citizens who are unable to provide self-care due to old age, illness, or disability
6 848
0113104 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6 848
3240 Other institutions and measures
1 869
3242 Other measures of social protection and social security
1 860
0113242 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1 858
0613242 Body on Education and Science
3241 Support of other institutions in social protection and social security
0113241 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
3230 Expenditures related to the provision of support to internally displaced and/or evacuated persons due to the imposition of martial law
0113230 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
0613230 Body on Education and Science
3210 Organisation and implementation of public works
0113210 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
3140 Health improvement and recreation of children (except for health improvement measures for children carried out at the expense of funds for the rehabilitation of citizens affected by the Chornobyl disaster)
0113140 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
3130 Implementation of state policy in the youth sector
3133 Other youth policy measures and institutions
0613133 Body on Education and Science
3170 Ensuring the implementation of specific programmes for people with disabilities
3171 Compensatory payments to persons with disabilities for petrol, repairs, maintenance of cars, motorised wheelchairs and transport services
0113171 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
7000 Economic activity
8 371
7600 Other programmes and measures related to economic activity
6 800
7670 Contributions to the authorised capital of business entities
6 800
0117670 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
6 800
7100 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
1 571
7130 Implementation of land management activities
1 571
0117130 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
1 571
4000 Culture and Arts
5 084
4060 Support of palaces and houses of culture, clubs, recreation centres and other club establishments
4 923
0614060 Body on Education and Science
4 923
4080 Other institutions and measures in culture and arts
4082 Other measures in culture and arts
0614082 Body on Education and Science
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
5000 Physical culture and sports
5060 Other measures for the development of physical culture and sports
5062 Support for top-level sports and organisations engaged in physical culture and sports activities in the region
0615062 Body on Education and Science

Public Funds Managers: 77

Business entity
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
101 479 887.15
YC Markets
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  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
39 268 752.28
YC Markets
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  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
18 044 960.72
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
10 546 463.56
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
8 628 560.61
YC Markets
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  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
6 222 461.78
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
5 551 643.47
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
Business entity
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
78 656 041.85
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
50 457 056.50
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
49 604 635.17
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
10 131 985.34
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
8 359 568.16
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
6 888 919.91
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
5 572 580.73
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds

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Frequently asked questions

Which company had the highest revenue in 2023 in Shakhivska territorial community?
The company with the highest revenue in the Shakhivska territorial community in 2023 is PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY "DONBAS CLAYS"
Who is the manager of the largest amount of public funds for 2024 in the Shakhivska territorial community?
The manager of the largest amount of public funds in the Shakhivska territorial community for 2024 is SHAKHIVSKA SILSKA RADA

Shakhivska territorial community: Unlock opportunities for development

Administrative centre: Shakhove vill., Donetska oblast

Total area: 354.4 км2

Shakhivska territorial community - Key Settlements

Shakhivska territorial community consists of a variety of towns, villages, and settlements that collectively enrich the region's economic, social, and cultural landscape:

  1. Boikivka vill.
  2. Vesele vill.
  3. Vilne vill.
  4. Volodymyrivka vill.
  5. Hruzke vill.
  6. Zolotyi Kolodiaz vill.
  7. Ivanivka vill.
  8. Koptieve vill.
  9. Kucheriv Yar vill.
  10. Lidyne vill.
  11. Marivka vill.
  12. Nykanorivka vill.
  13. Nove Shakhove vill.
  14. Novotoretske vill.
  15. Novotroitske vill.
  16. Pankivka vill.
  17. Petrivka vill.
  18. Suvorove vill.
  19. Toretske vill.
  20. Shakhove vill.
  21. Dorozhnie settl.
  22. Maiak settl.

These settlements serve as the cornerstone of the community's activities.

Shakhivska territorial community. Economic Profile

Shakhivska territorial community boasts a diverse economy built on leading industries such as:

  1. Nonmetallic mineral product
  2. Agriculture
  3. Water utilities

These industries ensure stable economic growth, generate employment opportunities, and create favourable conditions for attracting investors.

Opportunities for the communities with YC.Market

The YC.Market platform equips Shakhivska territorial community with advanced tools for comprehensive analysis, monitoring, and strategic decision-making. Through this platform, residents can ensure transparency in using community resources, businesses can establish valuable partnerships, and local authorities can manage finances more efficiently while fostering investment opportunities.

For instance, the community successfully leveraged YC.Market to conduct debtor analysis, resulting in optimised budget allocations and the redirection of additional funds towards critical projects such as school and road repairs.

YC.Market empowers Shakhivska territorial community to foster local development, generating significant business and resident opportunities.

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