Company Directory Kyivska oblast

Boryspilska territorial community

9 770 active companies and individual entrepreneurs

Settlements within the community (19)

  • Andriivka vill.
  • Artemivka vill.
  • Boryspil
  • Hlyboke vill.
  • Horobiivka vill.
  • Horodyshche vill.
  • Hryhorivka vill.
  • Ivankiv vill.
  • Kuchakiv vill.
  • Kyryivshchyna vill.
  • Lebedyn vill.
  • Liubartsi vill.
  • Mala Starytsia vill.
  • Perehudy vill.
  • Rohoziv vill.
  • Senkivka vill.
  • Sulymivka vill.
  • Tarasivka vill.
  • Velyka Starytsia vill.
YC Markets
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Business of the Boryspilska territorial communityYC.Market

Top 5 sectors by reported activity in 2023

1. Wholesale trade
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    10.04 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
2. Food industry
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    8.04 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
3. Construction
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    2.18 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
4. Transportation and Warehousing
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    1.73 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
5. Pharmaceuticals
  • Active companies
  • Companies that submitted reports
  • Total revenue
    1.64 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
Level of financial sustainability:
High (A)
Satisfactory (C)
Unsatisfactory (D)

Top 5 companies in the community based on 2023 reporting 2023

YC.Market 1
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
  • Industry sector
    Wholesale trade
  • Total revenue 2023
    7.24 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 2
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
  • Industry sector
    Food industry
  • Total revenue 2023
    5.77 B UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 3
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
  • Industry sector
  • Total revenue 2023
    785.82 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 4
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
  • Industry sector
    Retail trade
  • Total revenue 2023
    718.68 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023
YC.Market 5
  • USREOU code
  • Place of registration
  • Industry sector
    Food industry
  • Total revenue 2023
    702.56 M UAH
  • Revenue growth 2023

By industry sector

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Financial Scoring of Community BusinessesYC.Market

YC.Market Financial Scoring Methodology
Financial Indicator
Index FinScore YC.Market
FinScore index of a community's business sector is a financial stability score developed by YouControl's analytics department, derived from 20 financial indicators. These metrics collectively evaluate a company's liquidity, solvency, profitability, and business activity compared to its competitors. The FinScore index ranges from 1 (minimal financial stability) to 4 (maximum financial stability), depending on the company's financial indicators. More details are available in the methodology.
Community score
National average score
Current Ratio YC.Market
Current Ratio assesses a business's ability to cover short-term liabilities with its current assets. It is an essential measure of whether a company can meet short-term creditor demands using available resources. The recommended value is over 100%
Community score
National average score
Cash Ratio YC.Market
Cash Ratio evaluates how quickly a business can fulfill its current liabilities using the most liquid assets, such as cash or cash equivalents. This ratio is a key measure of financial sustainability. The recommended value is over 20%.
Community score
National average score
Net Debt / EBITDA YC.Market
Net Debt / EBITDA indicates the capacity of local businesses to repay long-term debts. The higher the ratio, the greater the financial leverage and the risk of default on obligations.
Community score
National average score
ROA - Return on assets YC.Market
Return on assets quantifies the efficiency of a company in using its assets to generate profits. Negative ROA values signal financial losses.
Community score
National average score
ROE - Return on Equity YC.Market
Return on Equity measures how profitable a company is for its owners or investors, indicating the ability to generate profit from invested capital. Negative ROE indicates losses. This ratio is not calculated if equity is negative.
Community score
National average score
NPM - Net Profit Margin YC.Market
Net Profit Margin reflects the percentage of net profit derived from total company revenues. This metric is crucial for evaluating cost management efficiency and overall profitability. A higher net profit margin indicates a more effective sales conversion into actual profit. Negative margins point to operational losses.
Community score
National average score
Business activity
Total Assets Turnover YC.Market
Total Asset Turnover is a key indicator of business activity, measuring how effectively a company uses its total assets to generate products or services.
Community score
National average score
Working Capital Turnover YC.Market
Working Capital Turnover assesses how efficiently a business deploys its working capital to produce profit. Working capital, defined as the difference between current assets and current liabilities, can have optimal ranges depending on the industry.
Community score
National average score

Public funds expenditure by community managers

Analysis of public (budgetary) expenditures by community managers across various classifications, based on Unified Public Spending Portal data. More about the classifications
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
2 016 182
0900 Education
647 500
0920 General secondary education
369 870
0921 General secondary education institutions
369 870
0910 Pre-school education
163 380
0960 Out-of-school education and extracurricular activities with children
44 912
0930 Professional (vocational) education
34 943
0990 Other institutions and activities in education
34 395
1000 Social protection and social security
423 170
1070 Social protection of other categories of the population
195 546
1040 Social protection of families, children and youth
111 219
1060 Assistance in resolving housing issues
60 036
1020 Social protection of pensioners
21 785
1090 Other activities in social protection
20 265
1010 Social protection in case of disability
13 938
1030 Social protection of war and labour veterans
0400 Economic activity
296 629
0450 Transport
277 035
0455 Pipeline and other transport
248 779
0456 Road management
28 256
0440 Other industries and construction
12 591
0443 Construction
12 591
0490 Other economic activities
6 085
0460 Communications, telecommunications and informatics
0420 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
0421 Agriculture
0100 General state functions
211 351
0110 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government, financial and foreign policy activities
191 034
0111 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government
185 356
0112 Financial and fiscal activities
5 678
0180 Intergovernmental transfers
15 541
0130 Other general functions of state administration
4 776
0133 Other activities in state administration
4 776
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
141 789
0600 Housing and utilities sector
94 163
0620 Utilities services
78 206
0640 Other activities in housing and utilities sector
15 957
0700 Healthcare
73 216
0760 Other activities in the healthcare sector
36 794
0763 Other institutions and activities in the healthcare sector
36 794
0730 Hospitals and sanatoriums and health resorts
23 997
0731 General hospitals
23 997
0740 Sanitary and preventive and anti-epidemic measures and institutions
9 590
0720 Polyclinics and outpatient clinics, ambulance and emergency care
2 835
0726 Primary healthcare centres
2 153
0722 Specialised and dental clinics
0300 Public order, security and judiciary
67 631
0380 Other activities in public order, security and judiciary
58 419
0320 Fire fighting and rescue
9 212
0800 Spiritual and physical growth
57 960
0810 Physical culture and sports
30 988
0820 Culture and art
26 745
0828 Club facilities
11 913
0824 Libraries, museums and exhibitions
9 657
0829 Other activities and institutions in culture and art, creative unions
2 881
0821 Theatres
2 294
0830 Mass media
0500 Environmental protection
2 773
0540 Other activities in environmental protection
2 773
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
2 016 178
2000 Current expenses
1 644 642
2100 Labour remuneration and charge on payroll
704 446
2110 Labour remuneration
573 243
2111 Salary
573 243
2120 Accruals for labour remuneration
131 203
2600 Current transfers
348 758
2610 Subsidies and current transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
336 545
2620 Current transfers to other levels of government
12 213
2700 Social security
337 484
2730 Other payments to the population
316 403
2710 Payment of pensions and benefits
14 436
2720 Scholarships
6 645
2200 Consumption of goods and services
251 963
2240 Payment for services (excluding utilities)
107 520
2270 Payment for utilities and energy carriers
72 954
2271 Payment for heat supply
42 400
2273 Payment for electricity
25 553
2272 Payment for water supply and sewerage
2 490
2275 Payment for other energy carriers and utilities
2 377
2274 Payment for natural gas
2230 Food products
38 665
2210 Items, materials, equipment and inventory
27 648
2280 Research and development, separate measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs
4 036
2282 Individual measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs, not classified as development measures
3 468
2281 Research and development, separate development measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs
2220 Medicines and dressing materials
2250 Business travel expenses
2800 Other current expenses
1 991
3000 Capital expenditures
239 527
3100 Acquisition of fixed assets
158 711
3110 Purchase of equipment and items of long-term use
102 084
3130 Capital repair
44 535
3132 Capital repair of other objects
44 352
3131 Capital repair of housing stock (premises)
3120 Capital construction (purchase)
6 719
3122 Capital construction (purchase) of other objects
6 719
3140 Reconstruction and restoration
5 373
3142 Reconstruction and restoration of other objects
5 373
3200 Capital transfers
80 816
3240 Capital transfers to the population
59 790
3210 Capital transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
17 698
3220 Capital transfers to other levels of government
3 328
Transactions without a specified KEKV code
132 009
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
2 016 183
1000 Education
647 501
1030 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the educational subvention
208 339
1031 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the educational subvention
208 339
0611031 Body on Education and Science
208 339
1010 Provision of preschool education
163 380
0611010 Body on Education and Science
153 377
1511010 Body on Construction
10 003
1020 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the local budget
161 531
1021 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the local budget
161 531
0611021 Body on Education and Science
142 348
1511021 Body on Construction
19 183
1090 Training of personnel by vocational education institutions and other educational institutions
34 943
1091 Training of personnel by vocational education and training institutions and other educational institutions at the expense of the local budget
28 206
0611091 Body on Education and Science
28 206
1094 Training of personnel by vocational education institutions and other educational institutions at the expense of the balance of funds under the educational subvention at the end of the budget period (except for the balance of funds for special purposes allocated by the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in previous budget periods)
3 587
0611094 Body on Education and Science
3 587
1092 Training of personnel by vocational education and training institutions and other educational institutions at the expense of the educational subvention
3 150
0611092 Body on Education and Science
3 150
1070 Provision of out-of-school education by out-of-school education institutions, out-of-school activities with children
27 551
0611070 Body on Education and Science
27 551
1080 Provision of specialised education by art schools
17 361
1011080 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
17 361
1140 Other programmes, institutions and activities in the field of education
11 302
1141 Support of other institutions in the field of education
10 729
0611141 Body on Education and Science
10 729
1142 Other programmes and activities in the field of education
0611142 Body on Education and Science
1220 Implementation of measures to create training and practical centres of modern vocational education
7 096
1221 Co-financing of measures implemented at the expense of the subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the creation of training and practical centres of modern vocational education
4 043
0611221 Body on Education and Science
4 043
1222 Implementation of measures to create training and practical centres of modern vocational education and training at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets
3 053
0611222 Body on Education and Science
3 053
1240 Implementation of measures for the purchase of equipment, modernisation (reconstruction and overhaul) of canteens (catering units) of general secondary education institutions
5 946
1242 Implementation of measures for the purchase of equipment, modernisation (reconstruction and overhaul) of canteens (catering units) of general secondary education institutions at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets
5 928
1511242 Body on Construction
5 928
1241 Co-financing of measures implemented at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the purchase of equipment, modernisation (reconstruction and overhaul) of canteens (catering units) of general secondary education institutions
1511241 Body on Construction
1150 Support of inclusive resource centres
4 074
1152 Support of inclusive resource centres at the expense of the educational subvention
2 221
0611152 Body on Education and Science
2 221
1151 Support of inclusive resource centres at the expense of the local budget
1 853
0611151 Body on Education and Science
1 853
1180 Implementation of measures aimed at ensuring quality, modern and accessible general secondary education "New Ukrainian School"
3 686
1182 Implementation of measures aimed at ensuring quality, modern and accessible general secondary education "New Ukrainian School" at the expense of subventions from the state budget to local budgets
3 245
0611182 Body on Education and Science
3 245
1181 Co-financing of measures implemented at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets to ensure quality, modern and accessible general secondary education "New Ukrainian School"
0611181 Body on Education and Science
1160 Support of professional development centres for teachers
1 397
0611160 Body on Education and Science
1 397
1200 Provision of education at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs
0611200 Body on Education and Science
1210 Provision of education at the expense of the balance of funds under the subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs at the end of the budget period
0611210 Body on Education and Science
2500000 Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
300 916
2501000 Office of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
297 710
2501530 Social protection of citizens in difficult life circumstances
153 448
2501400 Social protection of children and families
108 918
2501540 Support for low-income families
34 956
2501290 Ensuring the enforcement of court decisions
2501570 Payment of financial assistance to servicemen discharged from military service
2507000 Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities
3 206
2507110 Social protection of persons with disabilities
3 206
3100000 Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
248 779
3101000 Office of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
248 779
3101310 Provision, organisation and performance of charter flights by aircraft
248 779
0100 State Administration
150 942
0160 Management and administration in the relevant field in cities (Kyiv), towns, villages, and territorial communities
142 975
0210160 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
75 862
0810160 Body on Labour and Social Protection
23 442
1210160 Body on Housing and Communal Services
8 903
3710160 Body on Finance
6 076
0610160 Body on Education and Science
5 559
1610160 Body on Urban Planning and Architecture
5 474
0910160 Body for Children
5 439
1510160 Body on Construction
5 116
1110160 Body on Youth and Sports
3 170
1710160 Body on State Architectural and Construction Control
2 187
1010160 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
1 747
0180 Other activities in public administration
4 575
0210180 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
4 575
0150 Organisational, informational, analytical, logistical and technical support of the regional council, district council, city district council (if established), city, town and village councils
3 392
0110150 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
3 392
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
141 789
3000 Social protection and social security
122 439
3220 Financial compensation for housing for certain categories of the population by the law
59 791
3221 Financial compensation for housing for families of persons specified in paragraphs 2-5 of Part 1 of Article 10-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", for persons with disabilities Group 1-2 resulting from injuries, concussions, mutilation or disease obtained during direct participation in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its conduct, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defence, countering and restraining armed aggression by the Russian Federation in Donetska and Luhanska Oblasts, ensuring their implementation, in measures necessary to ensure Ukraine's defense, protect the safety of the population, and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as specified in points 11-14 of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection," and those in need of improving living conditions.
32 982
0813221 Body on Labour and Social Protection
32 982
3222 Financial compensation for housing for internally displaced persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and took direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its implementation, being directly in the areas of the anti-terrorist operation during its implementation, the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defence, countering and restraining armed aggression by the Russian Federation in the Donetska and Luhanska Oblasts, ensuring their implementation, being directly in the areas and during the implementation of the specified measures, and recognised as persons with disabilities Group 3 due to war under paragraphs 11-14 of Part 2 of Article 7 or participants in hostilities under paragraphs 19-21 of Part 1 of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection," and who require improvement of living conditions.
24 366
0813222 Body on Labour and Social Protection
24 366
3223 Financial compensation for housing for the families of combatants on the territory of other states, as specified in the first paragraph of Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", for persons with disabilities Group 1-2 from among combatants on the territory of other states, whose disability resulted from injuries, concussions, mutilation, or diseases related to their stay in these states, as specified in paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", and who require improvement of living conditions
2 443
0813223 Body on Labour and Social Protection
2 443
3100 Provision of social and rehabilitation services to elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children with disabilities in social service institutions
29 841
3104 Provision of social services at the place of residence of citizens who are unable to provide self-care due to old age, illness, or disability
21 785
0813104 Body on Labour and Social Protection
21 785
3105 Provision of rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities and children with disabilities
8 056
0813105 Body on Labour and Social Protection
8 056
3240 Other institutions and measures
20 265
3242 Other measures of social protection and social security
20 265
0813242 Body on Labour and Social Protection
20 265
3030 Provision of benefits for communication services, other benefits provided by law to certain categories of citizens and compensation for preferential travel for certain categories of citizens
6 961
3033 Compensation payments for preferential travel by road transport to certain categories of citizens
5 974
0813033 Body on Labour and Social Protection
5 974
3035 Compensation payments for preferential travel by railway transport for certain categories of citizens
0813035 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3032 Provision of benefits to certain categories of citizens for payment for communication services
0813032 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3031 Provision of other benefits to certain categories of citizens by the law
0813031 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3160 Provision of social guarantees to individuals providing social services to older people, persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, and those unable to self-service and require external assistance
2 676
0813160 Body on Labour and Social Protection
2 676
3120 Implementation of social work with vulnerable categories of the population
1 838
3121 Maintenance and support of social service centres
1 838
0913121 Body for Children
1 838
3190 Social protection of war and labour veterans
3192 Provision of financial support to public associations of veterans and persons with disabilities whose activities are socially oriented
0813192 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3130 Implementation of state policy in the youth sector
3133 Other youth policy measures and institutions
1113133 Body on Youth and Sports
3180 Provision of benefits to the population (except war veterans and labour veterans, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and citizens affected by the Chornobyl disaster) for housing and communal services
0813180 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3110 Institutions and measures for children and their social protection
3112 State policy measures for children and their social protection
0913112 Body for Children
6000 Housing and communal services
94 162
6030 Organisation of improvement of settlements
50 077
1216030 Body on Housing and Communal Services
50 077
6010 Maintenance and efficient operation of housing and communal facilities
26 332
6017 Other measures related to the operation of housing and communal services
10 403
1216017 Body on Housing and Communal Services
10 403
6012 Ensuring the production, transportation and supply of heat energy
10 012
1216012 Body on Housing and Communal Services
10 012
6013 Ensuring the operation of water supply and sewerage facilities
5 917
1216013 Body on Housing and Communal Services
5 917
6070 Regulation of prices/tariffs for housing and communal services
13 104
6071 Compensation for the difference between the price (tariff) for heat energy, including its production, transportation and supply, and utilities, which was approved or agreed upon by a decision of a local executive body and local self-government body, and the amount of economically justified costs for their production (provision)
13 104
1216071 Body on Housing and Communal Services
13 104
6090 Other measures in housing and communal services
2 853
1216090 Body on Housing and Communal Services
2 853
6020 Ensuring the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organisations that produce, perform and/or provide housing and communal services
1 796
1216020 Body on Housing and Communal Services
1 796
8000 Other activities
70 632
8200 Public order and security
58 420
8240 Measures and works on territorial defence
58 262
0218240 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
58 262
8220 Measures and works on mobilisation preparation of local importance
0218220 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8230 Other public order and security measures
0218230 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8100 Protection of the population and territories from emergencies
9 212
8130 Support of activities of local and voluntary fire protection
9 002
0218130 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
9 002
8110 Measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies and the consequences of natural disasters
0218110 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8300 Environmental protection
2 773
8340 Environmental protection activities at the expense of trust funds
2 773
1218340 Body on Housing and Communal Services
2 773
8400 Mass media
8410 Financial support for mass media
0218410 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
2000 Healthcare
63 625
2150 Other healthcare programmes, institutions and measures
36 794
2152 Other programmes and measures in the healthcare sector
36 794
0212152 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
33 555
0812152 Body on Labour and Social Protection
2 280
1512152 Body on Construction
2010 Multidisciplinary inpatient medical care for the population
23 997
0212010 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
23 997
2110 Primary medical care for the population
2 153
2111 Primary medical care for the population provided by primary healthcare centres
2 153
0212111 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
1 449
0812111 Body on Labour and Social Protection
2100 Dental care for the population
0212100 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
0812100 Body on Labour and Social Protection
7000 Economic activity
47 849
7400 Transport and transport infrastructure, road infrastructure
28 256
7460 Maintenance and development of motorways and road infrastructure
28 256
7461 Maintenance and development of roads and road infrastructure at the expense of the local budget
28 256
7300 Construction and regional development
12 762
7320 Construction 1 of social and cultural facilities
10 658
7321 Construction 1 of educational institutions and facilities
8 170
7322 Construction 1 of medical institutions and facilities
1 753
7323 Construction 1 of social institutions and facilities
7324 Construction 1 of cultural institutions and facilities
7310 Construction 1 of housing and communal facilities
1 116
1217310 Body on Housing and Communal Services
1 116
7350 Development of planning and development schemes (urban planning documentation)
1617350 Body on Urban Planning and Architecture
7330 Construction 1 of other municipal property
1517330 Body on Construction
7370 Implementation of other measures for the social and economic development of the territories
1517370 Body on Construction
7375 Implementation of projects (measures) to restore residential buildings damaged/destroyed as a result of armed aggression at the expense of local budgets
1217375 Body on Housing and Communal Services
7600 Other programmes and measures related to economic activity
5 913
7690 Other economic activities
4 393
7693 Other measures related to economic activity
2 742
7691 Implementation of measures at the expense of trust funds established by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local governments and local executive authorities and funds established by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local governments and local executive authorities
1 651
7670 Contributions to the authorised capital of business entities
1 343
1217670 Body on Housing and Communal Services
1 343
7680 Membership fees to associations of local self-government bodies
0217680 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
7650 Expert monetary valuation of a land plot or the right to it
0217650 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
7500 Communications, telecommunications and informatics
7520 Implementation of the National Informatisation Programme
0217520 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
7100 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
7130 Implementation of land management activities
0217130 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
1217130 Body on Housing and Communal Services
7800000 Kyiv Regional State Administration
38 988
7801000 Office of Kyiv Regional State Administration
38 988
7801010 Exercise of executive power in Kyiv region
38 988
5000 Physical culture and sports
30 988
5030 Development of children's and youth sports and reserve sports
19 342
5031 Maintenance and training of municipal children's and youth sports schools
19 342
1115031 Body on Youth and Sports
19 342
5060 Other measures for the development of physical culture and sports
10 612
5061 Support of local centres for local health centres, "Sport for All", and organisation of mass physical culture events among the population of the region
10 612
1115061 Body on Youth and Sports
10 612
5040 Support and development of sports infrastructure
5045 Construction of multifunctional playgrounds for sports games
1515045 Body on Construction
5049 Implementation of certain measures to implement the social project "Active Parks - Locations of Healthy Ukraine"
1115049 Body on Youth and Sports
5010 Conducting sports activities in the region
5011 Conducting training camps and competitions in Olympic sports
1115011 Body on Youth and Sports
4000 Culture and Arts
26 745
4060 Support of palaces and houses of culture, clubs, recreation centres and other club establishments
11 913
1014060 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
11 913
4030 Support of libraries
5 826
1014030 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
5 826
4040 Support of museums and exhibitions
3 831
1014040 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
3 831
4080 Other institutions and measures in culture and arts
2 881
4081 Support of other institutions in culture and arts
1 987
1014081 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
1 987
4082 Other measures in culture and arts
1014082 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
4010 Financial support for theatres
2 294
1014010 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
2 294
9000 Intergovernmental transfers
15 542
9800 Subvention from the local budget to the state budget for the implementation of programmes of social and economic development of regions
11 452
3719800 Body on Finance
11 452
9700 Subventions from the local budget to other local budgets for the implementation of programmes and measures at the expense of local budgets
4 062
9770 Other subventions from the local budget
4 062
3719770 Body on Finance
4 062
9300 Subventions from the local budget to other local budgets for the implementation of education programmes at the expense of subventions from the state budget
9310 Subvention from the local budget for the implementation of transferred expenditures in education at the expense of the educational subvention
3719310 Body on Finance
2300000 Ministry of Health of Ukraine
9 590
2301000 Office of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
9 590
2301040 Public health and epidemic control measures
9 590
3500000 Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
5 678
3504000 State Treasury Service of Ukraine
5 678
3504010 Management and administration in the treasury services area
5 678
1500000 Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
1501000 Office of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
1501040 Measures for psychological assistance, social and professional adaptation, provision of sanatorium and resort treatment, development of sports for war veterans, persons with special services to the Motherland, family members of such persons, affected participants of the Revolution of Dignity, family members of deceased war veterans, family members of deceased Defenders of Ukraine, production of certificates and badges for them
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
2 128 256
0900 Education
627 855
0920 General secondary education
368 940
0921 General secondary education institutions
368 940
0910 Pre-school education
164 626
0960 Out-of-school education and extracurricular activities with children
44 421
0930 Professional (vocational) education
30 981
0990 Other institutions and activities in education
18 887
1000 Social protection and social security
390 239
1070 Social protection of other categories of the population
154 978
1040 Social protection of families, children and youth
120 300
1060 Assistance in resolving housing issues
44 623
1090 Other activities in social protection
29 063
1020 Social protection of pensioners
24 087
1010 Social protection in case of disability
13 489
1030 Social protection of war and labour veterans
3 699
0400 Economic activity
343 451
0450 Transport
286 323
0455 Pipeline and other transport
249 859
0456 Road management
36 464
0420 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
20 341
0421 Agriculture
20 341
0490 Other economic activities
19 597
0440 Other industries and construction
16 790
0443 Construction
16 790
0460 Communications, telecommunications and informatics
0100 General state functions
278 913
0110 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government, financial and foreign policy activities
197 553
0111 Higher bodies of state authorities, local government and local self-government
193 207
0112 Financial and fiscal activities
4 346
0180 Intergovernmental transfers
76 685
0130 Other general functions of state administration
4 675
0133 Other activities in state administration
4 675
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
181 200
0600 Housing and utilities sector
121 422
0620 Utilities services
105 096
0640 Other activities in housing and utilities sector
16 326
0700 Healthcare
89 730
0760 Other activities in the healthcare sector
54 766
0763 Other institutions and activities in the healthcare sector
54 766
0730 Hospitals and sanatoriums and health resorts
21 597
0731 General hospitals
21 597
0740 Sanitary and preventive and anti-epidemic measures and institutions
11 065
0720 Polyclinics and outpatient clinics, ambulance and emergency care
2 302
0726 Primary healthcare centres
1 731
0722 Specialised and dental clinics
0800 Spiritual and physical growth
62 839
0820 Culture and art
33 742
0828 Club facilities
16 879
0824 Libraries, museums and exhibitions
10 966
0829 Other activities and institutions in culture and art, creative unions
4 000
0821 Theatres
1 897
0810 Physical culture and sports
28 939
0830 Mass media
0300 Public order, security and judiciary
32 607
0380 Other activities in public order, security and judiciary
20 460
0320 Fire fighting and rescue
12 147
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
2 128 254
2000 Current expenses
1 769 397
2100 Labour remuneration and charge on payroll
727 225
2110 Labour remuneration
597 261
2111 Salary
597 261
2120 Accruals for labour remuneration
129 964
2600 Current transfers
411 145
2610 Subsidies and current transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
338 770
2620 Current transfers to other levels of government
72 375
2700 Social security
313 911
2730 Other payments to the population
292 119
2710 Payment of pensions and benefits
15 612
2720 Scholarships
6 180
2200 Consumption of goods and services
312 535
2240 Payment for services (excluding utilities)
157 607
2270 Payment for utilities and energy carriers
74 607
2271 Payment for heat supply
42 831
2273 Payment for electricity
26 494
2272 Payment for water supply and sewerage
2 562
2275 Payment for other energy carriers and utilities
2 206
2274 Payment for natural gas
2210 Items, materials, equipment and inventory
40 118
2230 Food products
31 807
2280 Research and development, separate measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs
6 830
2282 Individual measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs, not classified as development measures
4 139
2281 Research and development, separate development measures for implementation of the state (regional) programs
2 691
2220 Medicines and dressing materials
1 157
2250 Business travel expenses
2800 Other current expenses
4 581
Transactions without a specified KEKV code
181 200
3000 Capital expenditures
177 657
3100 Acquisition of fixed assets
97 586
3130 Capital repair
49 764
3132 Capital repair of other objects
48 062
3131 Capital repair of housing stock (premises)
1 702
3110 Purchase of equipment and items of long-term use
33 527
3120 Capital construction (purchase)
10 549
3122 Capital construction (purchase) of other objects
10 549
3140 Reconstruction and restoration
3 746
3142 Reconstruction and restoration of other objects
3 746
3200 Capital transfers
80 071
3240 Capital transfers to the population
44 376
3210 Capital transfers to enterprises (institutions, organisations)
31 386
3220 Capital transfers to other levels of government
4 309
Code and Name
Transactions (UAH)
Total expenses
2 128 254
1000 Education
627 854
1030 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the educational subvention
194 905
1031 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the educational subvention
194 905
0611031 Body on Education and Science
194 905
1020 Provision of general secondary education at the expense of the local budget
174 035
1021 Provision of general secondary education by general secondary education institutions at the expense of the local budget
174 035
0611021 Body on Education and Science
150 579
1511021 Body on Construction
23 456
1010 Provision of preschool education
164 627
0611010 Body on Education and Science
152 697
1511010 Body on Construction
11 930
1090 Training of personnel by vocational education institutions and other educational institutions
30 980
1091 Training of personnel by vocational education and training institutions and other educational institutions at the expense of the local budget
28 261
0611091 Body on Education and Science
28 261
1092 Training of personnel by vocational education and training institutions and other educational institutions at the expense of the educational subvention
2 719
0611092 Body on Education and Science
2 719
1070 Provision of out-of-school education by out-of-school education institutions, out-of-school activities with children
25 806
0611070 Body on Education and Science
25 806
1080 Provision of specialised education by art schools
18 615
1011080 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
18 615
1140 Other programmes, institutions and activities in the field of education
12 799
1141 Support of other institutions in the field of education
12 299
0611141 Body on Education and Science
12 299
1142 Other programmes and activities in the field of education
0611142 Body on Education and Science
1150 Support of inclusive resource centres
2 867
1151 Support of inclusive resource centres at the expense of the local budget
1 770
0611151 Body on Education and Science
1 770
1152 Support of inclusive resource centres at the expense of the educational subvention
1 097
0611152 Body on Education and Science
1 097
1160 Support of professional development centres for teachers
1 472
0611160 Body on Education and Science
1 472
1270 Implementation of measures at the expense of the educational subvention from the state budget to local budgets (under the special fund of the state budget)
1272 Implementation of measures at the expense of the educational subvention from the state budget to local budgets (under the special fund of the state budget)
0611272 Body on Education and Science
1271 Co-financing of measures implemented at the expense of the educational subvention from the state budget to local budgets (under the special fund of the state budget)
0611271 Body on Education and Science
1200 Provision of education at the expense of a subvention from the state budget to local budgets for the provision of state support to persons with special educational needs
0611200 Body on Education and Science
2500000 Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
269 057
2501000 Office of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
265 754
2501530 Social protection of citizens in difficult life circumstances
126 508
2501400 Social protection of children and families
116 765
2501540 Support for low-income families
22 429
2501290 Ensuring the enforcement of court decisions
2507000 Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities
3 303
2507110 Social protection of persons with disabilities
3 303
3100000 Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
249 859
3101000 Office of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
249 859
3101310 Provision, organisation and performance of charter flights by aircraft
249 859
Transactions without a specified KFKVK code
181 200
0100 State Administration
169 954
0160 Management and administration in the relevant field in cities (Kyiv), towns, villages, and territorial communities
162 763
0210160 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
83 377
0810160 Body on Labour and Social Protection
25 829
1210160 Body on Housing and Communal Services
13 187
3710160 Body on Finance
6 748
1610160 Body on Urban Planning and Architecture
6 260
1510160 Body on Construction
6 007
0610160 Body on Education and Science
5 772
0910160 Body for Children
5 598
1110160 Body on Youth and Sports
4 311
1010160 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
3 483
1710160 Body on State Architectural and Construction Control
2 191
0180 Other activities in public administration
3 740
0210180 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
3 740
0150 Organisational, informational, analytical, logistical and technical support of the regional council, district council, city district council (if established), city, town and village councils
3 451
0110150 Office (Secretariat) of the local council (Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils, district councils, and councils of cities of republican and district significance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city, settlement, village councils, district councils in cities)
3 451
6000 Housing and communal services
120 944
6030 Organisation of improvement of settlements
92 594
1216030 Body on Housing and Communal Services
92 594
6070 Regulation of prices/tariffs for housing and communal services
12 184
6071 Compensation for the difference between the price (tariff) for heat energy, including its production, transportation and supply, and utilities, which was approved or agreed upon by a decision of a local executive body and local self-government body, and the amount of economically justified costs for their production (provision)
12 184
1216071 Body on Housing and Communal Services
12 184
6010 Maintenance and efficient operation of housing and communal facilities
8 311
6017 Other measures related to the operation of housing and communal services
3 656
1216017 Body on Housing and Communal Services
3 656
6012 Ensuring the production, transportation and supply of heat energy
3 634
1216012 Body on Housing and Communal Services
3 634
6013 Ensuring the operation of water supply and sewerage facilities
1 021
1216013 Body on Housing and Communal Services
1 021
6020 Ensuring the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organisations that produce, perform and/or provide housing and communal services
4 192
1216020 Body on Housing and Communal Services
4 192
6090 Other measures in housing and communal services
3 663
1216090 Body on Housing and Communal Services
3 663
3000 Social protection and social security
118 903
3220 Financial compensation for housing for certain categories of the population by the law
44 376
3222 Financial compensation for housing for internally displaced persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and took direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its implementation, being directly in the areas of the anti-terrorist operation during its implementation, the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defence, countering and restraining armed aggression by the Russian Federation in the Donetska and Luhanska Oblasts, ensuring their implementation, being directly in the areas and during the implementation of the specified measures, and recognised as persons with disabilities Group 3 due to war under paragraphs 11-14 of Part 2 of Article 7 or participants in hostilities under paragraphs 19-21 of Part 1 of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection," and who require improvement of living conditions.
21 664
0813222 Body on Labour and Social Protection
21 664
3221 Financial compensation for housing for families of persons specified in paragraphs 2-5 of Part 1 of Article 10-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", for persons with disabilities Group 1-2 resulting from injuries, concussions, mutilation or disease obtained during direct participation in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its conduct, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defence, countering and restraining armed aggression by the Russian Federation in Donetska and Luhanska Oblasts, ensuring their implementation, in measures necessary to ensure Ukraine's defense, protect the safety of the population, and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as specified in points 11-14 of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection," and those in need of improving living conditions.
18 131
0813221 Body on Labour and Social Protection
18 131
3223 Financial compensation for housing for the families of combatants on the territory of other states, as specified in the first paragraph of Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", for persons with disabilities Group 1-2 from among combatants on the territory of other states, whose disability resulted from injuries, concussions, mutilation, or diseases related to their stay in these states, as specified in paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection", and who require improvement of living conditions
4 581
0813223 Body on Labour and Social Protection
4 581
3100 Provision of social and rehabilitation services to elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children with disabilities in social service institutions
32 579
3104 Provision of social services at the place of residence of citizens who are unable to provide self-care due to old age, illness, or disability
24 087
0813104 Body on Labour and Social Protection
24 087
3105 Provision of rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities and children with disabilities
8 492
0813105 Body on Labour and Social Protection
8 492
3240 Other institutions and measures
29 063
3242 Other measures of social protection and social security
29 063
0813242 Body on Labour and Social Protection
28 943
0913242 Body for Children
3030 Provision of benefits for communication services, other benefits provided by law to certain categories of citizens and compensation for preferential travel for certain categories of citizens
6 047
3033 Compensation payments for preferential travel by road transport to certain categories of citizens
4 976
0813033 Body on Labour and Social Protection
4 976
3035 Compensation payments for preferential travel by railway transport for certain categories of citizens
0813035 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3032 Provision of benefits to certain categories of citizens for payment for communication services
0813032 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3031 Provision of other benefits to certain categories of citizens by the law
0813031 Body on Labour and Social Protection
3120 Implementation of social work with vulnerable categories of the population
2 627
3121 Maintenance and support of social service centres
2 627
0913121 Body for Children
2 627
3160 Provision of social guarantees to individuals providing social services to older people, persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, and those unable to self-service and require external assistance
1 694
0813160 Body on Labour and Social Protection
1 694
3190 Social protection of war and labour veterans
1 361
3192 Provision of financial support to public associations of veterans and persons with disabilities whose activities are socially oriented
1 361
0813192 Body on Labour and Social Protection
1 361
3130 Implementation of state policy in the youth sector
3133 Other youth policy measures and institutions
1113133 Body on Youth and Sports
3110 Institutions and measures for children and their social protection
3112 State policy measures for children and their social protection
0913112 Body for Children
3180 Provision of benefits to the population (except war veterans and labour veterans, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and citizens affected by the Chornobyl disaster) for housing and communal services
0813180 Body on Labour and Social Protection
2000 Healthcare
78 650
2150 Other healthcare programmes, institutions and measures
54 751
2152 Other programmes and measures in the healthcare sector
54 751
0212152 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
41 759
0812152 Body on Labour and Social Protection
12 223
1512152 Body on Construction
2010 Multidisciplinary inpatient medical care for the population
21 597
0212010 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
21 597
2110 Primary medical care for the population
1 731
2111 Primary medical care for the population provided by primary healthcare centres
1 731
0812111 Body on Labour and Social Protection
1 731
2100 Dental care for the population
0812100 Body on Labour and Social Protection
9000 Intergovernmental transfers
76 684
9100 Subsidies from the local budget to other budgets
64 643
9110 Reverse subsidy
59 643
3719110 Body on Finance
59 643
9150 Other subsidies from the local budget
5 000
3719150 Body on Finance
5 000
9800 Subvention from the local budget to the state budget for the implementation of programmes of social and economic development of regions
7 191
3719800 Body on Finance
7 191
9700 Subventions from the local budget to other local budgets for the implementation of programmes and measures at the expense of local budgets
4 850
9770 Other subventions from the local budget
4 850
3719770 Body on Finance
4 850
7000 Economic activity
73 747
7400 Transport and transport infrastructure, road infrastructure
36 464
7460 Maintenance and development of motorways and road infrastructure
36 464
7461 Maintenance and development of roads and road infrastructure at the expense of the local budget
36 464
7300 Construction and regional development
24 632
7320 Construction 1 of social and cultural facilities
10 966
7321 Construction 1 of educational institutions and facilities
9 675
7322 Construction 1 of medical institutions and facilities
7323 Construction 1 of social institutions and facilities
7370 Implementation of other measures for the social and economic development of the territories
6 524
1517370 Body on Construction
6 524
7350 Development of planning and development schemes (urban planning documentation)
2 607
1617350 Body on Urban Planning and Architecture
2 607
7310 Construction 1 of housing and communal facilities
2 470
1217310 Body on Housing and Communal Services
2 470
7390 Development of the network of administrative service centres
1 319
1517390 Body on Construction
1 319
7330 Construction 1 of other municipal property
1517330 Body on Construction
7600 Other programmes and measures related to economic activity
11 755
7670 Contributions to the authorised capital of business entities
8 306
1217670 Body on Housing and Communal Services
8 306
7690 Other economic activities
3 176
7693 Other measures related to economic activity
2 395
7691 Implementation of measures at the expense of trust funds established by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local governments and local executive authorities and funds established by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local governments and local executive authorities
7680 Membership fees to associations of local self-government bodies
0217680 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
7650 Expert monetary valuation of a land plot or the right to it
0217650 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
7100 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
7130 Implementation of land management activities
1217130 Body on Housing and Communal Services
0217130 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
7500 Communications, telecommunications and informatics
7520 Implementation of the National Informatisation Programme
0217520 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8000 Other activities
34 140
8200 Public order and security
20 459
8240 Measures and works on territorial defence
20 276
0218240 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
20 276
8220 Measures and works on mobilisation preparation of local importance
0218220 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8230 Other public order and security measures
0218230 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8100 Protection of the population and territories from emergencies
12 147
8130 Support of activities of local and voluntary fire protection
8 641
0218130 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
8 641
8110 Measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies and the consequences of natural disasters
3 506
0218110 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
3 506
8700 Reserve fund
1 376
8720 Measures to prevent and eliminate consequences in the buildings of institutions, establishments, and organisations of communal property at the expense of the reserve fund of the local budget
8725 Measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of an emergency in the buildings of other institutions, establishments, and organisations at the expense of the local budget reserve fund
8721 Measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of an emergency in the buildings of a healthcare facility at the expense of the local budget reserve fund
8740 Measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of emergency in housing and communal services at the expense of the reserve fund of the local budget
8746 Measures to prevent and eliminate the consequences of an emergency in other systems and facilities of the housing and communal services at the expense of the local budget reserve fund
8400 Mass media
8410 Financial support for mass media
0218410 Executive committee of a local council (city, town, village council), Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state administration (regional state administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol state administrations, district state administrations)
4000 Culture and Arts
33 742
4060 Support of palaces and houses of culture, clubs, recreation centres and other club establishments
16 879
1014060 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
14 406
1514060 Body on Construction
2 473
4030 Support of libraries
6 478
1014030 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
6 478
4040 Support of museums and exhibitions
4 488
1014040 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
4 488
4080 Other institutions and measures in culture and arts
4 000
4081 Support of other institutions in culture and arts
2 563
1014081 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
2 563
4082 Other measures in culture and arts
1 437
1014082 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
1 437
4010 Financial support for theatres
1 897
1014010 Body on Culture, Nationalities and Religions
1 897
5000 Physical culture and sports
28 940
5030 Development of children's and youth sports and reserve sports
18 132
5031 Maintenance and training of municipal children's and youth sports schools
18 132
1115031 Body on Youth and Sports
18 132
5060 Other measures for the development of physical culture and sports
9 754
5061 Support of local centres for local health centres, "Sport for All", and organisation of mass physical culture events among the population of the region
9 754
1115061 Body on Youth and Sports
9 754
5040 Support and development of sports infrastructure
5048 Development of sports infrastructure
1515048 Body on Construction
5049 Implementation of certain measures to implement the social project "Active Parks - Locations of Healthy Ukraine"
1115049 Body on Youth and Sports
5045 Construction of multifunctional playgrounds for sports games
1515045 Body on Construction
5010 Conducting sports activities in the region
5011 Conducting training camps and competitions in Olympic sports
1115011 Body on Youth and Sports
7800000 Kyiv Regional State Administration
26 993
7801000 Office of Kyiv Regional State Administration
26 993
7801010 Exercise of executive power in Kyiv region
26 993
0410000 Department of Economics and Finance of the Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
19 845
0412000 State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection
19 845
0412030 Organisation and regulation of the activities of institutions within the system of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection
19 830
0412020 Anti-epizootic measures and participation in the International Office of Epizootics
2300000 Ministry of Health of Ukraine
11 065
2301000 Office of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
11 065
2301040 Public health and epidemic control measures
11 065
3500000 Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
4 346
3504000 State Treasury Service of Ukraine
4 346
3504010 Management and administration in the treasury services area
4 346
1500000 Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
2 331
1501000 Office of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
2 331
1501100 Payment of one-time financial assistance in case of death or disability of certain categories of persons under the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans and Guarantees of Their Social Protection"
2 178
1501040 Measures for psychological assistance, social and professional adaptation, provision of sanatorium and resort treatment, development of sports for war veterans, persons with special services to the Motherland, family members of such persons, affected participants of the Revolution of Dignity, family members of deceased war veterans, family members of deceased Defenders of Ukraine, production of certificates and badges for them

Public Funds Managers: 5555

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  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
248 778 571.15
YC Markets
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
243 365 317.46
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
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What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
192 579 261.27
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
144 290 517.53
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
113 569 776.34
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
54 072 745.63
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
50 514 584.95
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
47 649 968.78
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
46 052 509.69
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
Business entity
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
404 398 178.03
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
255 861 016.47
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
229 098 245.56
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
177 724 009.65
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
164 222 252.35
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
124 685 213.47
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
97 778 857.72
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
83 209 445.45
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
64 929 070.59
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds
YC Markets
Main NACE code
Transactions count
Transactions total amount (UAH)
63 346 364.75
YC Markets
Want detailed company information? Visit YC.Market
Open YC.Market
What you can access in YC.Market
  • Registration and contact details, including company name, registration number (USREOU code), legal form, address, primary and secondary NACE codes, information on founders, director, accountant, number of employees, phone numbers, website, email, etc.
  • Financials: Data for the last three years, and quarterly reports for 2024: Revenue, Assets, EBITDA, Net Profit, Net Debt, payables, etc.
  • Scorings, including Express Analysis, FinScore, and MarketScore
  • Foreign economic activity: Import/export data, UCGFEA codes
  • Sanctions: Check against 8 international sanction lists
  • Participation in tenders: Number of bids, number of winning tenders
  • Number of owned vehicles
  • Public spending: Amounts of received or paid public funds

Other communities in Boryspilskyi raion (10)

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Frequently asked questions

Which company had the highest revenue in 2023 in Boryspilska territorial community?
The company with the highest revenue in the Boryspilska territorial community in 2023 is TOVARYSTVO Z OBMEZHENOIU VIDPOVIDALNISTIU Z INOZEMNYMY INVESTYTSIIAMY "PROKTER END HEMBL UKRAINA"
Who is the manager of the largest amount of public funds for 2024 in the Boryspilska territorial community?
The manager of the largest amount of public funds in the Boryspilska territorial community for 2024 is UPRAVLINNIA OSVITY I NAUKY BORYSPILSKOI MISKOI RADY

Boryspilska territorial community: Unlock opportunities for development

Administrative centre: Boryspil, Kyivska oblast

Total area: 527.3 км2

Boryspilska territorial community - Key Settlements

Boryspilska territorial community consists of a variety of towns, villages, and settlements that collectively enrich the region's economic, social, and cultural landscape:

  1. Boryspil
  2. Andriivka vill.
  3. Artemivka vill.
  4. Velyka Starytsia vill.
  5. Hlyboke vill.
  6. Horobiivka vill.
  7. Horodyshche vill.
  8. Hryhorivka vill.
  9. Ivankiv vill.
  10. Kyryivshchyna vill.
  11. Kuchakiv vill.
  12. Lebedyn vill.
  13. Liubartsi vill.
  14. Mala Starytsia vill.
  15. Perehudy vill.
  16. Rohoziv vill.
  17. Senkivka vill.
  18. Sulymivka vill.
  19. Tarasivka vill.

These settlements serve as the cornerstone of the community's activities.

Boryspilska territorial community. Economic Profile

Boryspilska territorial community boasts a diverse economy built on leading industries such as:

  1. Wholesale trade
  2. Food industry
  3. Construction
  4. Transportation and Warehousing
  5. Pharmaceuticals

These industries ensure stable economic growth, generate employment opportunities, and create favourable conditions for attracting investors.

Opportunities for the communities with YC.Market

The YC.Market platform equips Boryspilska territorial community with advanced tools for comprehensive analysis, monitoring, and strategic decision-making. Through this platform, residents can ensure transparency in using community resources, businesses can establish valuable partnerships, and local authorities can manage finances more efficiently while fostering investment opportunities.

For instance, the community successfully leveraged YC.Market to conduct debtor analysis, resulting in optimised budget allocations and the redirection of additional funds towards critical projects such as school and road repairs.

YC.Market empowers Boryspilska territorial community to foster local development, generating significant business and resident opportunities.

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